Design a community garden

Community garden design is driven by the unique characteristics of each site but every garden should include these details. The application requires a description and a sketch of your community garden design.

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  1. Consider the following elements:

  2. Write a description of your community garden. It should include:

    • Why was this site selected?
    • How will the garden serve the community's needs?
    • When will the community garden be open to the public? Community gardens are required to be open to the public at least once per month.
    • Will the garden host demonstrations or workshops that will be open to community members?
    • How will you implement sustainable urban agriculture practices?
    • General plans for layout, irrigation and waste/composting.

    There is no required length for this document.

  3. Create a sketch of your community garden design.

    Your community garden sketch needs to be drawn to scale. Using a landscape architect is recommended, but not required. It will help in the site plan exception applicationopen_in_new. To meet site plan requirements your sketch should be at a 10 to 30 engineering scale or a 1/8” to 1/2” architectural scale. It should indicate, but is not limited to:

    • Existing trees and landscaping
    • Buildings
    • Parking areas and driveways
    • Roadways/streets
    • Accessible parking
    • Detention ponds
    • All areas of impervious cover (existing & proposed)
    • Erosion controls (i.e.: silt fencing, tree protection)
    • Limits and type of construction
    • Location of construction
    • On-site sewage (septic) system

    Some landscape architects offer reduced rates or are willing to do pro bono work for community gardens.

    The Coalition of Austin Community Gardens provides some sample garden designsopen_in_new.

For more details on planning a garden see Texas AgriLife Extension Service - How to Plan a Gardenopen_in_new.

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